St. George Anglican Church, Fairvalley


First Time?

Come and worship with us at St. George!

Common questions:

1. When are the services and how long are they?
We worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. The service with Holy Communion is about 70 minutes long.

2. What happens when I arrive?
A greeter will welcome you and give you a bulletin. It will outline the service and announce upcoming events. You will find prayer and hymn books in the pew & the service is also televised. The greeter can answer any questions for you. Please feel free to sit in any unoccupied seat!

3. What do I wear?
Wear clothing that is comfortable for you to worship God. Casual or dress clothes are acceptable.

4. Do I need to bring anything?
No, we take up an offering while singing a hymn. This money makes it possible to support our ministry & missions to others.
We are thankful that you choose to contribute. Your support is an outward sign of your thanksgiving to God for the gifts you have received.

5. Are children welcome?
We welcome children of any age. A play area is available for their use.

The Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith initiative of the Diocese of Toronto helps parishes ensure their places of ministry are safe and healthy. A person’s gifts are discerned to determine suitability to a ministry position and reviewed periodically. Our Christian values are consistent with the legal concept of “duty of care” which arises out of legal doctrines dealing with negligence.

6. May I receive Holy Communion?
All baptized Christians are invited to receive both bread and wine at Holy Communion. You may also come forward to receive a blessing from Reverend Ron; if so, please indicate by crossing your arms.

7. What happens after the service?
We invite you to join us for refreshments and conversation in the parish hall.

8. How do I arrange for a baptism, wedding or funeral?
Contact us at our e-mail address and Rev. Ron will follow up with you.

If you wish to speak with Reverend Ron, please indicate that to him or the greeter.

We would like you to sign our guest book before you leave in peace to love and serve the Lord.